
Nandita Das: Cannes is to Celebrate Films, Not Fashion

The Cannes Film Festival has always provided a stage for filmmakers, actors, and artists to share their work and express their love of storytelling.



Photo: Instagram

Since 1946, the Cannes Film Festival has symbolised film industry excellence on the French Riviera. It showcases independent and international films.

The festival has promoted great films and discovered new talent. The Palme d’Or is cinema’s highest honour.

The Cannes red carpet has become as famous for its fashion as for its films. Celebrities, models, and actresses often get more attention for their outfits than the festival itself.The media emphasises fashion over film quality. Some critics say the festival should focus on filmmaking. 

Nandita Das, known for her thought-provoking roles and social activism, was disappointed to miss Cannes this year. She wrote on Instagram that the festival should focus on films, not fashion. Cannes, according to Nandita Das, is about uniting diverse cinematic voices and narratives across borders and cultures.

“Nandita Das reminds everyone that the Cannes Film Festival is a celebration of cinema, not fashion”

Nandita Das posted a collection of photos from previous Cannes appearances, highlighting her preference for donning saris, the traditional Indian attire. She views the sari as an expression of her Indian heritage and of simplicity and elegance.

In order to redirect the conversation back to movies rather than fashion, Nandita Das wore saris on the red carpet to emphasise the cultural diversity and depth of Indian cinema.

Filmmaker Vivek Agnihotri also criticised Cannes’ fashion obsession. He tweeted sarcastically that the festival is about films. Agnihotri’s comment underscores the worry that the red carpet’s glitz and glamour may overshadow the event’s main goal of honouring great filmmaking.

Actress Nandita Das’s Instagram post and filmmaker Vivek Agnihotri’s tweet remind Cannes to prioritise films over fashion. Refocusing on the amazing films, diverse stories, and artistic achievements that make the festival a true celebration of cinema is essential.

1 Comment

  1. Jawn Staff

    July 7, 2017 at 2:50 pm

    Quis autem vel eum iure reprehenderit qui in ea voluptate velit esse quam nihil molestiae consequatur, vel illum qui dolorem eum fugiat quo voluptas nulla pariatur.

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