
SC Pauses Ban on ‘The Kerala Story’, Orders Disclaimer

The West Bengal Government banned the film on May 8, citing concerns about law and order. The government said that the film could incite communal violence.



Sudipto Sen’s controversial film caused a stir when it hit theatres earlier this month. The film’s assertion that 32,000 women were coerced into converting to Islam and joining ISIS has been called into question. The film has been accused of inciting violence between different groups.

On Thursday, the Supreme Court paused West Bengal’s ban on the film “The Kerala Story.” The court also demanded that the filmmakers include a disclaimer. SC added that the film is a work of fiction and that there is no evidence to support the claim that 32,000 women in Kerala were forced to convert to Islam and join ISIS.

The decision of the Supreme Court to suspend the ban is a victory for the film’s producers. The court has additionally ordered the filmmakers to include a disclaimer in the film.

The disclaimer will state that the film is a fictionalised account of the events depicted. There is no data to support its claim regarding the number of women forced to convert to Islam and join ISIS.

“Supreme Court’s Decision in ‘The Kerala Story’ Case Is a Reminder That Freedom of Expression Is Not Absolute”

SC: Freedom of expression not absolute

The ruling by the Supreme Court serves as a reminder that the right to free speech is a fundamental one in India. The court has acknowledged that the right to freedom of expression is not unalienable, though.

According to the court, restrictions on the right to freedom of expression may be necessary to safeguard other fundamental rights, such as the right to life and the right to freedom of religion.

The Supreme Court’s ruling in this case strikes a balance between the need to uphold other fundamental rights and the need for freedom of expression. The court ruled that the movie could be viewed, but only if the creators include a disclaimer.

This disclaimer will make sure that viewers understand that the movie is a fictionalised account of actual events. There is no evidence to support the claim that there have been numerous women forced to convert to Islam and join ISIS.

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